Sunday, October 18, 2009

What’s the difference?

So far I’ve had two votes on the poll over there to the left, and both have been the question.
PUBLIC: Anyone, anywhere on the web can read everything on the blog.  This means anyone who posts or comments just has to keep that in mind and not always tell all.
PRIVATE: Only people that are invited to read the blog will be able to and everyone reading it will have to have a username and password and will have to log in to read it.
MY PERSONAL OPINION: Public is fine as long as we follow a couple simple rules
  1. Never post personal information (phone number, address, even the bank you bank at)
  2. Be especially careful about posting information about the children in the family.  Never name the school they go to, where they like to go to play or the mall they hang out at.  Leave it at “the park”, “their school” and “the mall”   rather than Liberty Park, Bonneville Elementary or SouthTowne Mall.
That doesn’t mean we don’t say anything.  I’ve even posted pictures of my house on my blog, but I always photoshop out the address.  Even though there were a lot of clues to the name of the high school I worked at, I never actually named it until after they closed it (because by then it really was obvious, especially to anyone living in Salt Lake) and I still usually don’t even name the schools I used to work at.
I don’t think having it public is really that much of a risk, as long as everyone keeps in mind that it is actually accessible to anyone in the world, although not easy to find in the literal sea of blogs out there.

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