Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Here is my photo from Christmas Eve. Starting from the left is my daughter Madison, then Anna and Patrick (Lisa and Jim's kids - Partick has his back to the camera and has a hat on), My brother Steve in the orange shirt under the Christmas tree, then Scott and Jenn (my daughter and son-in-law - Jenn is in the white sweater) and below them my oldest daughter Lynda with Camden on her left, your right (my son's son), then my son-in-law Todd (he is married to Lynda) and next to him are Rachael and Danny, both looking like they are texting, which they are. Peeking out in front of Rachael is Lisa, Jeff (my son) is in front on the right with the striped shirt and his wife Amy (yes, one of the many Any Rossis) is in front with the green shirt.

From all of us to all of you we wish you a joyous and wonderfilled new year.


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